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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Worship movement video suggestions that promotes FUN

Hello Readers, Thanks for checking out my blog. Here's a list of video suggestions with links (in purple) that I recommend for Sunday school. These are engaging songs and activities that can be used to add some element of excitement and happiness in the classroom. Hope your class enjoys these...…….
Watoto Children’s Choir 
Oh What Love - Be Exalted
Webale (thank you)

Wright ideas with Susan

This is the playlist with action songs that can be enjoyed

Cj and friends:

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Are you looking for an effective ways to study the bible?

Your wait is over because I've got the answer for you. Studying the Bible can be a challenge if you don't have a method to follow. I've been there multiple times in my life even completely aborting reading bible altogether I figured Sunday sermon was enough to cover every need I had. Until I realized it wasn't enough to quench my thirst for the word of God. I needed to study the word of God on my own to fulfill that need and get closer to God. If you need more understanding of why families should have devotions at home check out the video "Why do I need devotional time at home with my family?" which gives better insight into this topic.

If you hadn't checked out our "Bible unit" playlist on YouTube especially the videos titled Study the bible and read the bible. Because these videos give specific ideas about how to study the bible and what to read in the bible. So, what are you waiting? Check these videos?

Here are worksheets (at our etsy shop) for the "Wh method" (coming soon) and "S.O.A.P method" to study the word of God. A tip I should mention is put all your study material in a binder so, you can refer to it later on. You may use them as lesson plans for future lessons. I hope you enjoy these worksheets and let me know what you think.